Testimony page
Your contribution will be turned into a combined document that will enshrine the social conditions in this particular town of Frome on 25th September 2024. This is the first time this has been attempted anywhere and will attract widespread attention and be very valuable.
> Contributions should ideally be between 500 and 1500 words.
>Your testimony will be anonymous
>We reserve the right to edit but hope we dont have to 🙂
> Please give your age. This will be used to see if attitudes change with age
WRITE AS YOU ARE INSPIRED (preferred) and/or be guided by some of the prompts below
# How long you have lived in Frome. how did you manage to integrate, did you have a view on how things were done or could have been done. Any wish list? Artistic people: feel free to send illustrations relating to your experience of living in Frome.
Try to write this as soon as you can after the meeting as you would drink champagne shortly after it was uncorked.Â
Avoid naming anyone. This is not intended for politics or campaigning but an overview of a unique soul.
Submit your testimony in the box below anonymously or simply send it to artist@pobox.com
Any problems along the way call me Brian on 07809 245311 9am-8pm