I dont mind if you call me
‘ We are all programmed / entrained that if you call a number you will be answered by a secretary or message taker. We even dread speaking to a robot. You are talking with Tracey. In a few words, say what you want.
In this case you will be speaking with a real human being. I carry my mobile phone around with me like an umbillical chord – sad but true – so feel free to call me on 07809 ** 245311 The ** is to fool the robots.
You might however get a better service if you wrote to me using the form above especially if you have more than one point to make. I entertain any and all views.
PS I don’t take sales calls or calls from call centres (you can identify them because of the background noise). ‘Am I speaking with Mr Snellgrove?’ will cause me to put down the phone.